„The artist Vasil Goranov is a happy exception, for he has the gift of feeling History and recreating its key events and famed heroes, thus adding masterly brush strokes to what's already created with letters.“
Georgi Markov, Member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciencies

„After a long journey through the centuries of Bulgarian history, the artist Vasil Goranov returns with memories, which he transforms into capturing paintings.“
Anton Donchev, Member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciencies

„Vasil Goranov has masterly paintied battles, depicting our people's heroism and our history. History which cannot be replaced.“
Lili Ivanova

„Vasil Goranov brilliantly combines historical romanticism and insightful psychology when depicting key events and people from our nation's history.“
Ivan Granitski

„I admire his art and himself, so dedicated to the art and so concentrated in it, that sometimes I feel he is living in the world he paints.“
Iskra Radeva

„Close your eyes and imagine the place you'd like to visit; then analyse what you have seen and you will understand exactly why you have chosen to go there. If you open your eyes and still have a feeling that your journey is not over, then you must be before a painting by Vasil Goranov.“